Wednesday, October 16, 2002


Wednesday and I'm in Philadelphia. I've been traveling quite a bit for my job lately--16 out of the past 30 workdays--and it's getting tiring. Usually I travel to sales offices to train new account service reps, although technically they're supposed to come to corporate for training. VPs either think they'll save their office some money or inconvenience their employee less if I train on-site. Wouldn't want to inconvenience anyone.

This week I'm filling in as a service rep. Turnover's been high, and they're down to the manager and one service rep. Manager's out on vacation this week, so here I am. It's insanely slow. I've processed one order so far, checked my own work email/vms, talked to my husband and my mom, thought about lunch, and now I'm blogging. It used to be a lot more fun to travel when I was a little younger and single, and when the company didn't have a such an anal stance on expense accounts.

I will try to get out and see the sites tonight. I hear the museum's open late. Evidently they have special events on Wednesdays. I really want to check out the Mutter Museum (there should be an umlaut above the 'u'). They have "fluid preserved" (pickled) anatomical and pathological specimens, medical devices, and the gorely like. I saw a special on the Discovery Channel, I believe, and thought it looked fascinating. They have a special exhibit on conjoined twins right now. Unfortunately, their only open 9-5. Perhaps if it stays this slow, I'll sneak out at lunch Thursday or Friday.

Speaking of conjoined twins my friend Terri (not a conjoined twin) brought up at Taco Tuesday ($1 tacos, $2 Mexican Beers, $3 Sauza Margaritas) a book that I loved reading, but couldn't remember the title. It's called Geek Love. A must read. Gotta get my mits on it. I'd get it from the library, but I've had two books out for over a year now. They may be mad, although I haven't received any letters to date.

Off to retrieve vittles.

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